Friday, April 9, 2010

The Twin Towers

Sean Hannity couldn't wait to introduce his 2 leading ladies. The two women waited by the stage giggling with glee and bouncing around like ninth graders at their first party. Sean's voice rises as he introduces the two: "Is everyone ready for a double ticket of Sarah and Michele?". The crowd of mostly women go wild. Oh what a dream come true for the working class women all over the country.
This is what Americans have been waiting for in politics. A real representation of middle America. The people struggling to make ends meet, paying their bills and taxes; making a hard living without the interference of government rule.
This America wants to be able to carry their guns everywhere they go. They want to preserve the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. This America wants to protect the unborn and send their children off to war to protect our country. They believe that God is frowning on anyone who isn't like them - they are church goers, abstinent from sex until married and procreate as a rule not an option.
The Americans these two giddy women represent drive pickup trucks and live mostly in the rural hills of the South and Midwest. They believe nature is meant to be utilized at any cost no matter if destroyed, God will take care of it. If their men astray, they are willing to forgive and forget cause like their theme song goes "stand by your man" is their mantra.
Yes Sarah and Michele are a fine representation of real America to protect them from the evils of government and that horrible black man running their country into the ground. Let these women lead the way. They don't need to know finance and foreign countries and legislation and even the names of all the states. In fact they only need to stand by the Constitution - even if they haven't read it. No matter, these women are the GOP, they are Patriots, God's children.
And they are the "haves" paid quite well to represent the "have nots".
Sarah Palin & Michele Bachmann - Our own twin towers of ignorance.

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, April 2, 2010

Is Anger a 4 Letter Word?

It is amazing how much anger is clogging the airwaves & cyberspace today. Tea Party, Militias, GOP Senators, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Town Hall Meetings, Twitter, Facebook... everywhere, everyone is so pissed off. It's like a Rube Goldberg illustration where one action leads to another & another ultimately ending in one 4 letter word: HATE
But what is really hate? It's hostility. So, why all the hostility?
Hate is more often than not, a manifestation of FEAR. If you fear public speaking, you may express you "hate giving speeches"; if you fear falling in love, you may say "I hate being in a relationship" Fear can also be very destructive. It can consume the healthy sane mind into an obsessive brain similar to an addiction. And like an addiction, it can begin to control your every thought & every action until it eventually becomes all you know. And then it becomes your entire way of life. So, why all the anger in this great Country?
Like any addiction, fear needs to be fed. And boy do we have some great feeders. Glenn Beck rants that President Obama is racist against White people. Rush Limbaugh screams that we are turning into a Socialist nation. Sarah Palin shouts the President is ruining our Country.
Often a person will try to mask their fears. The Tea Party pretends it is protesting taxes and government control. Christian Conservatives claim others are twisting our morals. Militias fight that everyone is stealing their freedom. and ordinary people with innate fear accuse people of ruining the Constitution.
So what is the common denominator here? Well, based on the examples above, it appears to be the fear by Republicans living in a Democratic led Country. And because of this fear, hate is running rampant.
When will it end? Well like any addiction that progresses, the outcome is not always good. Sometimes people recover but more often than not they become another four letter word: Ruin. Hissssss

Friday, February 26, 2010

Summitology- Obama: "Let's talk about the substance"


My Watcher was at wits end while watching the Health Care Summit on Thursday. So, I sauntered on in the room to see what the hell was she ranting about this time. I stopped mid-stream into my afternoon cleaning ritual and yes, even this Cat heard the ridiculous, repetitive rhetoric coming from some old white men on the big color screen. Here are a few selected quotes that were less than substantive:

Lamar Alexander: "The Congressional Budget Office report says that premiums will rise in the individual market as a result of the Senate bill Hissssss! Wrong!
Tom Coburn: "I think today is going to be enlightening" Hissssss! Huh?
Tom Coburn: "The biggest thing on fraud is to have undercover patients so that people know we're checking on whether or not this is a legitimate bill. And you don't know who's an undercover patient and who's not, and all of a sudden you start changing your attitude of whether or not you're going to milk Medicare or you're going to milk Medicaid. Hissssss! Double huh?
John Barrasso: "Half of all the money we spend in this country on health care is on just 5 percent of the people. Those are people, for the most part, that eat too much, exercise too little, and smoke" Hissssss! Got that, we need preventative care but, Uh, those that lost their jobs??
John McCain: "I'm reminded of that everyday" (this after President Obama had to remind him that the election was over) Hissssss! Do I hear- sore loser?
Mitch McConnell: "Just in terms of trying to keep everything fair, which I know you want to do. To this point, the Republicans have had 24 minutes, the Democrats, 52 minutes" Hissssss! Wah, Wah, cause you guys just keep repeating quickly!
Eric Cantor: "We don't care for this bill. I think you know that. The American people don't care for this bill." Hissssss! Really? And you know this how? From a Fox fair and balanced poll?
And more words of wisdom from John Barrasso (a doctor): "And especially if they had a savings account-a health savings account-they could put their money into that, and they'd be spending money out of that" Double Hisssss! So that's the solution, a HSA when many Americans don't have a savings account at all?
To which President Obama retorted: "Would you feel the same way if you were making $40,000. Or if that was your income. Because that’s the reality for a lot of folks,” Purrrrrr

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hiss! What is bipartisanship?

Hissssssss, what is bipartisanship anyway?
The dictionary defines it as representing members from two parties or factions...Hmmmm
Sounds rather stupid and senseless to me. After all, I've seen on the big colorful screen how Prez O has tried and tried and tried again to reason with this group they call Congress. So, now there is a big "summit" on Thursday to discuss healthcare reform. There will be the members from the GOP and the members from the Democratic Party.. Why am I thinking this is a seems a little stupid. It's like when my Watcher says she's bringing the Peeps dog over. Like we're going to play together? I hardly think so. It's bad enough I have to be in the same room with the other feline in this house..the Calico. Miserable.
So why can't we all just get along? Well it's like this: I like catnip, the dog likes bones. I like to chill out, the dog likes to jump all over Peeps, barking and licking like some wild animal. It's simple, I'm smarter and the dog, well, is just plain silly. So, it seems to me that if you put the GOP and the Dems together you're going to have a some calm, sensible, intelligent people trying to reason with some radical, angry, barking old guys. So, guess which people are the cats? Meeeoowww