Friday, April 9, 2010

The Twin Towers

Sean Hannity couldn't wait to introduce his 2 leading ladies. The two women waited by the stage giggling with glee and bouncing around like ninth graders at their first party. Sean's voice rises as he introduces the two: "Is everyone ready for a double ticket of Sarah and Michele?". The crowd of mostly women go wild. Oh what a dream come true for the working class women all over the country.
This is what Americans have been waiting for in politics. A real representation of middle America. The people struggling to make ends meet, paying their bills and taxes; making a hard living without the interference of government rule.
This America wants to be able to carry their guns everywhere they go. They want to preserve the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. This America wants to protect the unborn and send their children off to war to protect our country. They believe that God is frowning on anyone who isn't like them - they are church goers, abstinent from sex until married and procreate as a rule not an option.
The Americans these two giddy women represent drive pickup trucks and live mostly in the rural hills of the South and Midwest. They believe nature is meant to be utilized at any cost no matter if destroyed, God will take care of it. If their men astray, they are willing to forgive and forget cause like their theme song goes "stand by your man" is their mantra.
Yes Sarah and Michele are a fine representation of real America to protect them from the evils of government and that horrible black man running their country into the ground. Let these women lead the way. They don't need to know finance and foreign countries and legislation and even the names of all the states. In fact they only need to stand by the Constitution - even if they haven't read it. No matter, these women are the GOP, they are Patriots, God's children.
And they are the "haves" paid quite well to represent the "have nots".
Sarah Palin & Michele Bachmann - Our own twin towers of ignorance.

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. I'm sorry, but I personally find your comments offensive. I am NOT a Tea Party member, but I understand why they are there. I am probably your grandmother's age. I've worked hard my entire life. I was once a Democrat and wore the peace symbol you surprisingly have on your Twitter profile page. I fought for women's rights. I fought to end the VietNam War. My first home came along with an 18% interest rate, thanks to a Democrat named Jimmy Carter, but it quickly went down once Ronald Reagan stepped into office and I then became a Republican. But above all else, I am an American. I respect other people and their right to their own opinion, but I will never respect anyone who thinks they can stereotype others they've never even met, which is what you are doing. The TeaParty folks come from all walks of life, all incomes, all level of education. Some do and some don't support gay marriage, women's right to abortion, and are anti-big business. But you don't get it. What the Tea Party wants is not an end to Liberals or Conservatives - they just want a government that is not choked with lobbyists and that is not spending money we do NOT have. Do you know every time Mr. Obama passes these new bills China (or many other countries) gets a piece of our country by buying up the debt? I'm not so sure you understand. But certainly, certainly, you do not understand the Tea Party movement and are very obviously more set on putting them down, villifying them and stereotyping them than taking some time to learn what they are about. Shame on you and shame on all the Liberals who are doing the exact same thing. Get a back bone and do some thinking and some learning for yourself instead of trusting the media and the government to do it for you. I know these people you speak of. I have lived the life you know nothing about. You are spreading lies and misconceptions because you are writing about something you know absolutely nothing of.

  2. Looks like UmmaJ has been drinking the PoxNews kool-aid too much. Hope you can find the strength to get off that stuff. It leads to terminal stupidity...

    I think the author's words are right on target and that these "so called" true Americans are the perfect pawns of big business. Funny that we just (barely) survived 8 years of this attitude and behavior in which we went from having a National Surplus and no wars to a total disaster.

    This country is VERY close to destruction and if these idiots have they're way we will be nothing more than a police state in the very near future.
