Friday, April 2, 2010

Is Anger a 4 Letter Word?

It is amazing how much anger is clogging the airwaves & cyberspace today. Tea Party, Militias, GOP Senators, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Town Hall Meetings, Twitter, Facebook... everywhere, everyone is so pissed off. It's like a Rube Goldberg illustration where one action leads to another & another ultimately ending in one 4 letter word: HATE
But what is really hate? It's hostility. So, why all the hostility?
Hate is more often than not, a manifestation of FEAR. If you fear public speaking, you may express you "hate giving speeches"; if you fear falling in love, you may say "I hate being in a relationship" Fear can also be very destructive. It can consume the healthy sane mind into an obsessive brain similar to an addiction. And like an addiction, it can begin to control your every thought & every action until it eventually becomes all you know. And then it becomes your entire way of life. So, why all the anger in this great Country?
Like any addiction, fear needs to be fed. And boy do we have some great feeders. Glenn Beck rants that President Obama is racist against White people. Rush Limbaugh screams that we are turning into a Socialist nation. Sarah Palin shouts the President is ruining our Country.
Often a person will try to mask their fears. The Tea Party pretends it is protesting taxes and government control. Christian Conservatives claim others are twisting our morals. Militias fight that everyone is stealing their freedom. and ordinary people with innate fear accuse people of ruining the Constitution.
So what is the common denominator here? Well, based on the examples above, it appears to be the fear by Republicans living in a Democratic led Country. And because of this fear, hate is running rampant.
When will it end? Well like any addiction that progresses, the outcome is not always good. Sometimes people recover but more often than not they become another four letter word: Ruin. Hissssss

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